14: Patriotism Shouldn’t Be Partisan, with Siddak Ahuja
DECEMBER 29, 2020
Why is patriotism increasingly a partisan issue, divided by party affiliation? Writer Siddak Ahuja has some theories on why certain political demographics are less patriotic than others.
The Case for a Left Patriotism, by Siddak Ahuja
Why Are Poor Americans More Patriotic Than Their Wealthier Counterparts? - The Guardian
The Left Case Against Open Borders - American Affairs Journal
The Road to Somewhere by David Goodhart – a Liberal’s Rightwing Turn on Immigration - The Guardian
How Race Politics Liberated the Elites - UnHerd
Thorstein Veblen’s Theory of the Leisure Class—A Status Update - Quillette
A Left-Right Populist Agenda to Take Jobs Back From China, by Siddak Ahuja
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