13: Nuclear Energy Can Save the World, with Nick Touran
DECEMBER 23, 2020
When we talk about ways to combat climate change and address our nation's energy needs, we consistently leave the safest, most reliable, and most efficient energy source out of the discussion altogether. Joining us this week is nuclear engineer Nick Touran, PhD, who happens to be an expert in that exact type of energy.
Bicycles for Our Minds, with Steve Jobs
Nuclear Power May Have Saved 1.8 Million Lives Otherwise Lost to Fossil Fuels, Scientific American
Radiation Dose Chart, XKCD
Spontaneous Generation (Flies From Meat), Wikipedia
3 Reasons Why Nuclear Energy Is Awesome, Kurzgesagt
A Brief History of Tiny Nuclear Reactors, Popular Mechanics
Floating Nuclear Power Plant, Popular Mechanics
Nick's Twitter: @whatisnuclear
Email: wherewegopod@gmail.com
Instagram: @wwgnpodcast