58: Making Andrew Yang a Household Name, with Zach Graumann

JULY 5, 2022


Imagine it's 2017. You've been given the task of running a presidential campaign for 2020. Your candidate has no previous political experience and zero name recognition with the public. You must get them on stage at the first Democratic primary debate on June 27th, 2019. Not only that, you have to get them to the debates 6 more times, so that they're one of only seven candidates left on stage in a race that will ultimately field 29 contenders. Helluva long shot, right? But former presidential campaign manager Zach Graumann did exactly that, and wrote a behind-the-scenes book that serves as a how-to guide for tomorrow's hopefuls looking to bet against the odds.

Longshot: How Political Nobodies Took Andrew Yang National--and the New Playbook That Let Us Build a Movement- Zach Graumann

"My first move was not to run for president of the United States, because I am not insane." - Andrew Yang, 2019


Young Storytellers

The War on Normal People: The Truth About America's Disappearing Jobs and Why Universal Basic Income Is Our Future - Andrew Yang

Venture for America

Making Movies - Sidney Lumet

The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Parents are Going Broke - Elizabeth Warren

"I'm a Staunch Republican... I'm Willing to Give Him a Shot" | Andrew Yang for President

The Forward Party

Follow Zach on Twitter: @Zach_Graumann


Email: wherewegopod@gmail.com

Instagram: @wwgnpodcast

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