26: Effective Science Messaging Can Save Society, with Sarah Mojarad
APRIL 7, 2021
If there's anything we've learned over the last year, it's that it's not enough to get important information right - you have to communicate that information successfully, too. Because if the data you need to share isn't being heard by the very people that need to hear it, it may as well not exist! Social media consultant and communication specialist Sarah Mojarad teaches and advocates for effective science messaging.
Communicating Science on Social Media, by Sarah Mojarad (YouTube)
10 Facts About Americans and Coronavirus Vaccines - Pew Research
A Year of U.S. Public Opinion on the Coronavirus Pandemic - Pew Research
"Food Science Babe" - Instagram
Online Harassment: Death by 1,000 Tweets, by Sarah Mojarad
Sarah's Twitter: @Sarah_Mojarad
Email: wherewegopod@gmail.com
Instagram: @wwgnpodcast