9: The Widening Gap Between the Wealthy and Working Classes, with Rob Henderson

NOVEMBER 24, 2020


The working and wealthy classes in America are further apart than they've been in 60 years. Wages, wealth generation, savings - these are the obvious ones, but marriage stability and self-reported rates of wellbeing are also way down for blue collar Americans. "Deaths of despair" - from suicide, drug overdose, and alcoholism - number 150,000 a year, nearly all of them concentrated in working class communities. And many of these problems begin in childhood and compound into adulthood. What's causing so many of our children to fall so far behind, and why do today's elite seem to care so little? Writer and researcher Rob Henderson has experience living in both worlds, and has dedicated much of his time to finding the answers.

How I Went From Troubled Foster Kid to Scholar at Yale and Cambridge, by Rob Henderson

‘Luxury Beliefs’ Are the Latest Status Symbol for Rich Americans, by Rob Henderson

Thorstein Veblen’s Theory of the Leisure Class—A Status Update, by Rob Henderson

Everything I Know About Elite America I Learned From ‘Fresh Prince’ and ‘West Wing’, by Rob Henderson

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10: The Merits of a Modern Montessori Education, with Ray Girn and Matt Bateman


8: The Complexities and Contradictions Within Racial "Communities," with Brittany Talissa King