47: A New Philosophy of Progress and Why We Don’t Have Flying Cars, with Jason Crawford
FEBRUARY 15, 2022
How exactly am I able to communicate with you? We're not in the same room - we're likely not even in the same state. And if my listener stats are accurate - 30% of you reading this right now live in a completely different country! So... how did we get here? What makes the world modern - technologically, socially, morally - is often under-appreciated, but the history of the modern world is a history of progress. The Roots of Progress founder Jason Crawford believes that understanding that history is key to empowering the next generation to progress ever further.
We Need a New Science of Progress, by Patrick Collison and Tyler Cowen for The Atlantic
Why Did We Wait So Long for the Bicycle? - The Roots of Progress
Scientists May Have Discovered How the Ancient Greeks’ ‘First Computer’ Tracked the Cosmos - Smithsonian Magazine
A Dashboard for Progress - The Roots of Progress
Progress, Stagnation, and Flying Cars - The Roots of Progress
Technological Stagnation - The Roots of Progress
The Roots of Progress Is Now a Nonprofit Organization - The Roots of Progress
Industrial Literacy - The Roots of Progress
Progress Isn't Natural, by Joel Mokyr for The Atlantic
Academy of Thought and Industry
Jason's Twitter: @jasoncrawford
Email: michael@wherewegonext.com
Instagram: @wwgnpodcast