52: The Amazing and Optimistic Future of Augmented Reality, with David Rose

APRIL 12, 2022


What if you could suddenly understand every language on earth? Identify any object or living thing around you with nothing but a glance? See exactly how a new outfit might look on your body before trying on a single piece of clothing? What if you could customize your entire life the way you would your living room? Ambient and spatial computing expert David Rose bears the good news of the coming augmented reality revolution, and tackles some of the hazards that may occur when we can all create our own, individually-tailored worlds.


Enchanted Objects

Clearwater AR - The First Augmented Reality Experience for Boating and Fishing

Home Outside - Online Landscape Design Services

Enchanted Objects: Design, Human Desire, and the Internet of Things | David Rose - TEDx Talk

"Blocked" - a scene from Black Mirror's White Christmas - YouTube

"Planes of Projection" as imagined / demonstrated in Iron Man 2

"Planes of Projection" as imagined / demonstrated in Minority Report

What Technology Wants, by Kevin Kelly

1,000 True Fans, by Kevin Kelly

27: Developing Accessibility, with Jennison Asuncion - Where We Go Next

Xander: Augmented Listening

"The Entire History of You" - Black Mirror

We Will Forget Much of the Pandemic. That’s a Good Thing. - The New York Times

Modsy - Online Interior Design

The Matrix Awakens - An Unreal Engine 5 Experience

47: Championing Progress, with Jason Crawford - Where We Go Next

Nreal - Building Augmented Reality for Everyone

The surprising science of happiness | Dan Gilbert - TED Talk

The Buena Vista Hypothesis

"A computer is like a bicycle for our minds." - Steve Jobs

Follow David on Twitter: @davidrose


Email: wherewegopod@gmail.com

Instagram: @wwgnpodcast

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53: Making Music, Prioritizing Family, and Touring the World, with Joe Sumner


51: Drawing Comics for the Underdogs and Living Your Passion, with Barry Deutsch